The Poultney Town Plan
Responsibility for the preparation of the town plan rests with the Poultney Planning Commission. It is the official policy of the community, with regard to future growth and development, to provide standards of development to ensure that the town’s distinct character and its scenic viewsheds are protected and preserved. It states the goals, objectives, policies, and priorities for action that guide the community towards its vision for the future. The Poultney Town Plan was amended by the Planning Commission and adopted by the Selectboard on May 9, 2022.
Thereafter, Planning Commission was delighted to receive the assistance of the Content Lab at Castleton University to beautify the document. Members of the Content Lab used their talents to re-design the plan, adding dimension to the text and tables and bringing new life to the vision therein. Click below to download:
Special thanks to Castleton University students Margaret Lewis ‘22, Makenna Thorne ‘22, and Faculty Advisor Assistant Professor William DeForest, for their hard work and dedication to bringing the Poultney Town Plan to life.