About the Town of Poultney’s Planning Efforts
The Poultney Planning Commission
The members of the Poultney Planning Commission are:
- Jaime Lee, Chair
- Doug Langdon
- Mary-Sue Reed
- Mark Teetor
- Neal Vreeland
The Regional Support
The Rutland Regional Planning Commission (RRPC) provided grant writing support for the MPG awarded in 2020 and the Bylaw Modernization grant awarded in 2021. Learn more about the RRPC.
What is a town plan?
Town plans are the visioning and guiding document that supports a town’s strategic growth and operations, established in legislation, 24 V.S.A. Chapter 117. Updated every eight years, a town plan provides a clear picture for the town’s future and sets clear goals, mitigating the incidence of short-term, shortsighted decisions. The town plans also serves as the foundation for Poultney’s Unified Bylaws. Having a regionally approved town plan also gives the town strong standing in the Act 250 process.
Civic Engagement
Planning Commissions are staffed by volunteers, requiring a deep concern and dedication to your town to keep up with all the demands of a planning commission. This is just one way to be civically engaged in and supportive of Poultney. Towns thrive because of their residents and their willingness to be involved, ranging from attending a community meeting, to committing to a volunteer with a community group, to even as simple as providing your thoughts on this town plan. Take Action.
Meeting Schedule
The Poultney Planning Commission meets regularly every 3rd Wednesday. Meetings are open to the public and held at 6:00PM EST at the Poultney Town Office: 9 Main Street, Poultney, VT 05764. Public Hearings for adoption of the Town Plan will be warned separately and in accordance with statute.
Guiding Documents
There are important documents, in addition to the town plan, that guide the Town in its planning.
Poultney’s Unified Bylaws.
Bylaws are ordinances that a local municipality is enabled by the state statute to enact, for the purposes of governing land use within that municipality. Find the bylaws here
Poultney Town to Trails Report.
Town to Trails is a community-driven planning process, making Poultney a more vibrant, connected and welcoming place for all. Visit the Poultney Downtown website to download the report.
Rutland Regional Plan.
The Regional Plan provides a guide for managing change within the Region and a framework within which individuals, businesses, and local governments can make decisions regarding growth and development. Read the Regional Plan here.
Poultney Retail Market Analysis.
This study was commissioned by the RRPC to support the development of a downtown economic assessment plan. This work focuses on a retail leakage study to assess the retail market needs in downtown Poultney. Read the analysis here.
Community Action Plan: Recreation Economy for Rural Communities
In 2021 Poultney's Community Action Plan: Recreation Economy for Rural Communities was released after nearly a year's community wide effort to feed into the document. The planning effort was funded by an EPA Smart Growth grant. Checkout the new Action Plan.