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Town of Poultney News and Announcements
A new logo (and brand) has been developed for use by the Town of Poultney. You may see it soon on highway signs, letterhead, websites and more! The logo was approved by a variety of local organizations (Poultney Downtown Revitalization Committee (PDRC), Poultney Rotary, Poultney Area Chamber of Commerce (PACC), Poultney Historical Society (PHS), Stone Valley Arts, and unanimously adopted by the Poultney Select Board in May).
The Town of Poultney, VT is requesting proposals for its Better Connections project, Town to Trails: Connecting Trails and Downtown Master Plan. This project will create a comprehensive master plan for the Town and Village of Poultney to guide direct connections, and develop amenities and infrastructure that supports these connections, from Downtown to recreational outposts, such as Slate Valley Trails (SVT), D&H Rail Trail, Boczek Marsh WMA, and Lake St. Catherine.
All questions and communications regarding this RFP should be directed to Devon Neary, Local Project Manager, at (802) 353-4559 or devon@rutlandrpc.org. See the RFP Information page for more details and supporting documents, any changes and responses to questions, and additional resources to support interested bidders.
Just released is the Poultney Community Action Plan. This Action Plan was funded and organized by the US EPA’s Smart Growth: Recreation Economies for Rural Communities program and developed over a year long and community wide development effort.